Politics has always been of great interest to several people. There are several political parties around the globe, some are successful , and some are not really successful. There are among 1000 political protests that run countries as well as is great opposition. One such very intellectual political protest is the Boston Tea Party. The protest was known for its amazing working procedures that make it a very efficient and effective party. This party was one of the strongest in the ancient times. Let us now have a look at the very interesting and fabulous trivia quiz and see how much you can answer about the astounding political protest, Boston Tea Party!
1. When was the protest formed?
A. 12 October, 1765
B. 16 December, 1773
C. 4 February, 1789
D. 29 June, 1790
2. What caused the Boston Tea Party?
A. Tea Act
B. Civil War
C. Colonization
D. Revolutionary Wars
3. Who did the protest?
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Boston Son
C. Bill Clinton
D. Son of Liberty
4. Where did the protest take place?
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. United States
D. Russia
5. What is the goal of Boston Tea Parry?
A. To protest British Parliament's tax on tea
B. To increase the demand of tea
C. To garnish the tea
D. None of the above
6. Who dumped chests of tea?
A. Americans
B. Britishers
C. East India Company
D. None of the above
7. How many chests of tea were dumped?
A. 342
B. 390
C. 378
D. 400
8. Why was the protest important?
A. It fueled the tension that had already begun between Britain and America.
B. It created demand for tea
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
9. Was the Boston Tea Party successful?
A. 116 votes
B. 120 votes
C. 124 votes
D. 130 votes
10. How did the Boston Tea Party affect colonists?
A. Not buying tea
B. Imposing tea tax
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
11. How much was the tea tax?
A. 14 Pennies
B. 12 Pennies
C. 8 Pennies
D. 3 Pennies
12. What did the Boston Tea Party symbolize?
A. Created tea demand
B. Showed British how war American colonists can go
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
13. How long did the Boston Tea Party last?
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 4 hours
14. What did the Sons of Liberty dress up as?
A. Leaders
B. Colonists
C. Tea Bags
D. Mohawks
15. Why did the sons change their dress up?
A. To hide their identity
B. To look like leaders
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
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