Millions of battles have been elaborated by historians as well as our history textbooks have witnessed a lot of battles. We have heard of several fights that resulted in the destruction, wastage of resources, and loss of innocent lives. History is filled with great leaders, warriors, militants, and weapons that have been a great witness to the exact situation of the battle. One of those battles that the world has witnessed is The Saratoga Battle. This battle was also one of those battles that were considered to be drastic. Let us now have a look at the very amazing trivia quiz and see how much you can answer about the deadliest battle!
1. When did the war start?
A. October 1780
B. September 1777
C. November 1765
D. April 1790
2. When did the battle happen?
A. Second stage of American Revolution
B. First stage of American Revolution
C. Civil War
D. None of the above
3. Who won the battle?
A. Russian
B. German
C. British
D. American
4. When did the battle end?
A. 2 December, 1762
B. 6 February, 1765
C. April 12, 1780
D. October 17, 1777
5. Where did the battle take place?
A. California
B. Albany
C. Mississippi
D. New York
6. Who was the British General?
A. John Burgoyne
B. Washington
C. Lloyd Garrison
D. Peter Jackson
7. Who was the American General?
A. Peter Jackson
B. Antoino D Souza
C. Horatio Gates
D. Wiliam Washington
8. What nickname was given to the British General?
A. The Powerful
B. The Iron man
C. Gentleman Johnny
D. None of the above
9. How many casualties were there in Saratoga battle?
A. 500
B. 400
C. 600
D. 100
10. How many American soldiers were killed?
A. 300
B. 100
C. 200
D. 400
11. Why was the battle important?
A. It gave the Patriots a major morale boost and
B. Persuaded the French, Spanish and Dutch
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
12. Who benefited the most from the Battle of Saratoga?
A. Americans
B. Britishers
C. Military Personnel
D. None of the above
13. How did the British lose the battle of Saratoga?
A. Ruler Demised
B. Military Stepped out
C. British Government Surrendered
D. British General Surrendered
14. How many American soldiers were in the Battle of Saratoga?
A. 14000-16000
B. 12000-14000
C. 20000-21000
D. 18000-19000
15. What is Saratoga known for?
A. Queen Of Spas
B. Queen of lakes
C. The Largest Ecosystem
D. None of the above
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