Stars Quiz: How Much You Know About Stars?

Questions : 13 | Total Attempts: 856 | Recent Updated: 22-Sep-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The stars have an important role in the night, but we cannot see them with our eyes during the day, because the light of the sun is more during the day. "Stars" A star is a celestial body, which consists of a bright sphere of its gravity and plasma, and the stars we see today are many thousand years old, and the life cycle of a star lasts for billions of years. As a general rule, the larger the star, the shorter its life span. In this quiz, you will find more about stars and constellations and learn about their structure, appearance. So let's start this quiz and know about our Stars.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which color of stars is the hottest?

A. Black

B. Blue

C. Red

D. Green

2. How many active volcanoes on Venus?

A. 1600

B. 1500

C. 1000

D. 3200

3. Which is the closest star in the sun?

A. Canopus Star

B. Pleiades Star

C. Proxima Centauri

D. Betelgeuse Star

4. Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. These groups are called...

A. Universe

B. Galaxies

C. Galaxy

D. All of above

5. Which star is nearest to the earth?

A. Moon

B. Sun

C. Sirius

D. Betelgeuse

6. Which of the following are known as the dwarf stars?

A. Altair

B. Alpha Centauri

C. Procyon

D. All of these

7. The name of the smallest star of our galaxy is ....

A. EBLM J0555-57Ab

B. Sirius B

C. PSR J2222-0137 B

D. SDSS J0003+0718

8. Which of the following is the supergiant star?

A. Betelgeuse

B. Antares

C. Both of these

D. None of these

9. The Milky way contains an estimated .... stars alone.

A. 100 to 200 billion

B. 100 to 400 billion

C. 50 to 100 billion

D. None of these

10. Stars are usually birthed in hydrogen-based dust clouds called ....

A. Nebulae

B. Alpha Centauri A

C. Both of these

D. None of these

11. How many types of the stars in the universe?

A. 8

B. 5

C. 7

D. 11

12. Which stars are the hottest in stellar classification?

A. M stars

B. B stars

C. F stars

D. O stars

13. Which stars are the coldest star in stellar classification?

A. M stars

B. O stars

C. A stars

D. F stars


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