Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About Sunspots, Solar Winds And Flares Astronomy

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 936 | Recent Updated: 30-Apr-2020
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Sunspots are storms on the Sun's surface that are marked by intense magnetic activity and host solar flares and hot gas ejections from the Sun's corona. Scientists believe that the number of spots on the solar cycle over time, reaching a peak-the so-called solar maximum-every 11 years or so. Some studies indicate that sunspot activity has doubled overall over the last century. The obvious result here on Earth is that the sun now shines about 0.1 percent compared to 100 years ago. According to NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, solar wind consists of magnetized plasma flares and in some cases is associated with sunspots. It originates from the Sun and affects galactic rays that can affect atmospheric events on Earth, such as cloud cover. Let's take the ultimate trivia quiz about Sunspots, Solar Winds, And Flares Astronomy.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following is not true about sunspots?

A. They change size

B. They are permanent

C. They move across the Sun

D. They are caused by magnetic activity

2. Which protects the earth from the Sun's solar wind?

A. The Earth's magnetic field

B. The atmosphere

C. The ozone layer

D. The Moon

3. Which is a CME or Coronal Mass Ejection?

A. A continuous stream of charged particles

B. Areas of magnetic activity on the surface of the Sun

C. The ejection of plasma from the surface of the sun

D. All of above

4. Which of the following is true about solar flares?

A. They release X-rays and gamma rays

B. They can be more powerful than a million nuclear bombs

C. Their radiation can reach Earth in a few minutes

D. All of above

5. The solar luminosity is a unit of

A. Radiant flux

B. Magnetic flux

C. Electromagnetic wave

D. None of above

6. When the Sun ejects millions of tons of energetic particles into the solar system, it causes.

A. Sani spot

B. Solar flares

C. Solar wind

D. All of above

7. Which of the following is NOT accurate about sunspots?

A. They are magnetic reconnections on sun surface

B. They are cool

C. They release X-rays and gamma rays

D. They can be more powerful than a million nuclear bombs

8. Plasma stream that is released from the upper atmosphere of Sun is classified as

A. Solar wind

B. Hubble effect

C. Quantum effect

D. Angular momentum effect

9. Related phenomena of the solar wind are known as...

A. Electromagnetic lights

B. Thermal lights

C. Northern and southern lights

D. Hubble effect

10. A region filled by flow of solar wind which is a bubble-like volume is classified as...

A. Thermosphere

B. Heliosphere

C. Photosphere

D. Ergo-sphere

11. What is the meaning of CME?

A. Control mass ejections

B. Coronal mass ejections

C. Corner mass ejections

D. No anyone of above

12. Which one is the solar activity?

A. Radio wave flux

B. Energy bursts

C. Coronal heating and sunspots

D. All of above


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