Quiz: How Scary Are You?

Questions : 14 | Total Attempts: 802 | Recent Updated: 22-Mar-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
This quiz is intended to determine how frightening you are to others. It will include multiple-choice questions about your behaviors, personality traits, and reactions in various situations. Questions will be asked about how you deal with fear, your level of aggression, and your ability to control your emotions. Please answer each question truthfully in order to obtain an accurate result. The quiz will provide a final score that will indicate how frightening you are perceived by others.

Questions Excerpt

1. When watching a horror movie, how do you usually react?

A. I love horror movies and am not scared at all

B. I get a little scared, but still enjoy them

C. I get very scared and have trouble sleeping afterwards

D. I refuse to watch horror movies altogether

2. How often do you have nightmares?

A. Rarely or never

B. Occasionally

C. Frequently

D. Almost every night

3. How do you react when you hear strange noises at night?

A. I investigate the noise

B. I ignore the noise and try to go back to sleep

C. I feel uneasy but try to ignore it

D. I become very scared and have trouble sleeping

4. Have you ever intentionally scared someone for fun?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

5. How do you react when you see a spider or other creepy-crawly?

A. I am not scared at all and can handle them easily

B. I get a little scared, but can handle them

C. I get very scared and have trouble being in the same room as them

D. I am deathly afraid of them and can't even look at them

6. Have you ever gone on a haunted house tour or visited a haunted location?

A. Yes, and I loved it

B. Yes, but I was very scared

C. No, but I would like to

D. No, and I have no interest in doing so

7. Do you believe in ghosts or supernatural phenomena?

A. Absolutely, without a doubt

B. Maybe, it's possible

C. No, not at all

D. I'm not sure

8. How do you handle being alone in the dark?

A. I'm not bothered by it at all

B. I feel a little uneasy, but can handle it

C. I feel very scared and uncomfortable

D. I avoid being alone in the dark altogether

9. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis or lucid nightmares?

A. Yes, frequently

B. Yes, occasionally

C. No, never

D. I'm not sure

10. Do you enjoy going on rollercoasters or other thrill rides?

A. Yes, I love them

B. Sometimes, but I get a little scared

C. No, they make me very scared and uncomfortable

D. I have never been on a roller-coaster or other thrill ride

11. Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Yes, once

C. No, never

D. I'm not sure

12. How do you react when you hear a strange noise in your house when you are home alone?

A. I investigate the noise

B. I ignore the noise and try to continue with what I was doing

C. I feel uneasy but try to ignore it

D. I become very scared and lock myself in a room

13. Would you consider yourself easily startled or jumpy?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, very much so

D. It depends on the situation

14. How do you react when you see a scary image or video on the internet?

A. I'm not scared at all and can handle it easily

B. I get a little scared, but can handle it

C. I get very scared and have trouble looking at it

D. I avoid scary images and videos on the internet altogether


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