Which Fanfic Trope Are You Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 69 | Recent Updated: 28-Jul-2024
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Find out which fanfic trope suits your personality with our "Which Fanfic Trope Are You Quiz"! Whether you like friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, or the classic slow burn, this fun and engaging quiz will show your ideal story arc. Explore the world of fanfiction and uncover the trope that matches your style. Take the quiz now to discover which fanfic trope you are and explore your inner storyteller!

Questions Excerpt

1. You're writing your fanfic. What excites you most?

A. Creating a world where the characters can truly be themselves.

B. Building a complex plot with surprising twists.

C. Writing thrilling action scenes that keep readers on the edge of their seats.

D. Exploring the characters' feelings and building their relationship.

2. What would your reaction be if A fanfic surprised you?

A. Excited

B. Analytical

C. Thrilled

D. Curious

3. What's your favorite romantic setting?

A. A cozy coffee sho

B. A competitive workplace

C. A long road trip

D. A magical forest

4. How do you feel about misunderstandings in a story?

A. They create tension but get resolved eventually

B. They make the rivalry more interesting

C. They help the characters grow

D. They’re rare but meaningful

5. When reading a fanfic, what keeps you hooked?

A. Feeling a deep connection

B. Uncovering hidden clues

C. Experiencing the rush of adrenaline

D. Witnessing the growth of a beautiful love story

6. What is your ultimate fanfic goal?

A. To create a world where readers can escape reality

B. o write a story that challenges readers

C. To write an adrenaline-pumping adventure

D. To write a love story that resonates with readers on a deep emotional level

7. Which scenario excites you the most?

A. Realizing feelings after years of friendship

B. A heated argument leading to a kiss

C. Months of building affection

D. Love at first sight with a deep bond

8. What type of conflict do you enjoy in a story?

A. Internal struggle with emotions

B. External rivalry

C. Slow building tension

D. Fated challenges

9. Which plot twist do you find most thrilling?

A. A sudden revelation of feelings

B. An unexpected alliance

C. A slow, unexpected confession

D. Discovering they were meant to be

10. You're creating a new character. What's most important?

A. A rich backstory filled with secrets

B. A brilliant mind to solve problems

C. Badass skills and abilities

D. A loyal and supportive friend

11. How do you feel about character deaths?

A. Devastated and heartbroken

B. Curious about the plot implications

C. Excited for the next chapter

D. Hopeful for a happy ending

12. How do characters resolve their differences?

A. Through honest communication

B. Through intense confrontations

C. Through understanding and compromise

D. Through realizing their fate


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