Choosing a career can seem very overwhelming at first, but it doesn't have to be! When you have a better idea of your personality, choosing a major becomes more easy for you but if don’t know what to do we are for you. Answers these questions to identify your major in life!
1. In your day off! What do you spend your time doing?
A. Working part-time for extra money
B. Hanging out with friends
C. Watching Netflix all day long
D. Thinking for future
2. Do you think you are an organized person?
A. Yes
B. May be Yes
C. No
D. May be no
3. What do you consider yourself best at?
A. Music, Art, or dance
B. A great influencer
C. An enthusiast hockey player
D. Solving math problems
4. Would you feel comfortable going backpacking?
A. Yes
B. May be yes
C. No
D. Never
5. Which class are you least likely to sleep through?
A. Health or science
B. English or foreign language
C. Math
D. Psychology
6. Pick any item as per your interest:
A. Laptop
B. Microphone
C. Calculator
D. Thinking for other
7. Which famous person do you most relate to?
A. Ellen DeGeneres
B. Albert Einstein
C. Walt Disney
D. Steve Jobs
8. Do you feel you are sensitive by nature?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Absolutely
D. I do not know
9. You're asked to speak in public. What do you do?
A. Pretend to be sick
B. Look forward to the questions people would have for me afterwards
C. Receive a standing ovation at the end
D. Motivated
10. Do you like to visit art museums?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I love to go museums
D. Do not want to waste time
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