What Major Is Right For Me Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2955 | Recent Updated: 09-Jul-2019
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Any field of interest that can maintain your interest and attention is the best choice you can major in. Everyone suffers from this dilemma of confusion that what should one major in. Eventually, it is us who can judge that what is best for us and in what we can major in.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which was the favorite subject of yours in school?

A. English

B. Science

C. Maths

D. Art

2. What can be considered as a priority to you in your life?

A. Humanity

B. Teachings

C. Luxury

D. Technology

3. If you are asked to experience something new in your daily schedule at what base would you judge that new change?

A. Impact over you of that change

B. Profit caused to you

C. Comfort you are recieving of it

D. How you can use it for others to it

4. What if you see someone dominating some other person who is strange to you?

A. Would save the other person

B. Tell the importance of being self dependent and not to tolerate any domination

C. Report the respective authority

D. Ignore

5. Which game can be considered as your all-time favorite game?

A. Video Games

B. Outdoor Games

C. Indoor games but not on pc

D. Not interested in games

6. Which word is the best fit to describe your nature?

A. Short Tempered

B. Calm

C. Kind

D. Trendy

7. What type of activity dose defines your favorite pass time stress reliever?

A. Sleeping

B. Hangout

C. Reading writing

D. Research

8. What do you feel, what is that one thing that plays a vital role in our lives and we all cannot live without it as human?

A. Principles

B. Technology

C. Humanity

D. Comfort

9. What field attracts you the most in the study of graduation?

A. Defence


C. Technology Degree

D. Any graduation degree

10. What can be considered as an important role or part in your life?

A. Family

B. Nation

C. Friend

D. Education


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