You like your guy friend but still confused about his feelings. Sometimes he seems flirty and other times he gets too sociable. Relationships are that way only. Have you known his signals? Do you both like others and ready to take your friendship to the next level? Take this interesting quiz to find out the meaning of his gentle clues and figure out his liking for you.
1. When does he compliment you?
A. When I dress beautifully
B. When he likes my advice
C. He has no special reason to compliment me
D. He does not compliment me
2. What is the nicest thing he did for you?
A. Bring small gifts for you every time
B. Always greet me with flowers
C. He buys me anything I want
D. Anything he does is the best
3. Does he touch you for small things like removing the hair from your face?
A. Once or twice
B. Never
C. Often
D. We only restrict ourselves to high fives
4. Does he know and memorize the smallest details of you?
A. Yes, he knows my every like and dislikes
B. He knows my favorite color, dress, food, drink, and even my drink
C. He knows how I would react in a certain situation
D. I guess he doesn’t have a clue
5. Have you met his family?
A. Once or twice
B. I visit them occasionally
C. I celebrate their birthday
D. No, not yet
6. What will happen if he asks you to go out for an evening when you had already a plan with friends?
A. He asks would you or your friends mind if he comes along
B. He doesn’t mind and says we will go some other day
C. He gets irritated and says you have no time for him
D. He understands
7. Do you guys hang out more together than in a group?
A. We never hang out
B. We hang out with friends only
C. We hang out one-on-one
D. Never thought of
8. Has he sought advice on relationships, especially with a girl?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Sometimes
D. Often
9. Who initiates the physical contact?
A. It is me who initiates
B. He do when we are alone
C. We never had physical contact other than an accidental touch
D. He knows I don’t like this
10. How often did you catch him staring at you?
A. Many times, it’s countless
B. Never
C. Once or twice
D. Don’t remember
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