Have you ever watched the Spy x Family series? "Spy x Family" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo, it is one of the most famous manga series in Japan. The series is best known for its unique blend of action, comedy, and heartwarming family moments. The story of this Manga series is quite popular, The story follows a spy named Twilight, who is tasked with infiltrating a prestigious school to get close to a target. To do this, he needs to create a family, so he builds a family to execute a mission, not realizing that the girl he adopts as his daughter is a telepath, and the woman he agrees to be in a marriage with is a skilled assassin. So let's start this quiz and know more interesting facts about Spy x Family.
1. Which of the following year Manga series Spy x Family was released?
A. March 25, 2015
B. March 05, 2020
C. March 25, 2019
D. March 25, 2023
2. Who is the main character of Spy x Family?
A. Twilight
B. Bill Watkins
C. Damian Desmond
D. Becky Blackbell
3. How many volumes are there in the Spy x Family series?
A. Five volumes
B. Two volumes
C. Ten volumes
D. Seven volumes
4. What is Yor's profession in the manga series Spy x Family?
A. Spy
B. Hacker
C. Assassin
D. Detective
5. What is the name of the school Anya attends?
A. Ivy Academy
B. Eden Academy
C. Elite Academy
D. Grace Academy
6. How many episodes are there in the Spy x Family series?
A. Twenty episodes
B. Thirty-five episodes
C. Fifteen episodes
D. Twenty-five episodes
7. What's the name of the agency Twilight works for?
A. Spy Central
B. The Secret Agency
C. The Intelligence Bureau
D. The Department of Espionage
8. What is the name of the event that Anya wants to participate in at school?
A. The Talent Show
B. The Sports Festival
C. The Music Festival
D. The Cultural Festival
9. What is the name of the criminal organization that Twilight is investigating?
A. Black Lily
B. Blue Rose
C. Red Dahlia
D. Spy Central
10. What's the name of Twilight’s mission?
A. Spy Wars
B. Project Apple
C. Operation Strix
D. Imperial Scholars
11. Where did Loid meet Yor before creating their fake family?
A. Milk shop
B. Tailor shop
C. Grocery store
D. None of these
12. How many Stella Stars does a student need to be considered an imperial scholar?
A. Minimum Ten star
B. Minimum Five star
C. Minimum Eight stars
D. Minimum Twenty star
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