Best friends are the one we tell the secrets without any fear of the world. They only want our love and true friendship to get the most in life. Do you have a best friend whom you share your good and bad experiences and cannot make a move without telling and believe you know all about them? If yes, then take up the test below and see just how well you know your best friend.
1. How often do you text, email or talk on the phone?
A. At least a few times a week!
B. Almost every day, without fail
C. A few times every month
D. Friendship is not about calling or texting
2. When did you last talk to your best friend?
A. Last week!
B. Yesterday!
C. We're talking now!
D. Um, a month or more ago
3. How often do you give each other presents?
A. More than just birthdays
B. As much as possible!
C. On special occasions
D. Never
4. How long have you known them for?
A. For a year or two...
B. Since I was born! Well, near enough
C. A while now! About five years?
D. Less than six months
5. Do you know their birthday?
A. The exact time too!
B. Of course, all, the year, month and day!
C. I know the month
D. No
6. Do you wish they were with you right now?
A. Yes
B. They are here!
C. Wouldn't mind their company!
D. Actually no
7. So, how many times do you have sleepovers?
A. They've only been around my house a few times!
B. Everyday
C. A couple of times a year!
D. Never
8. Are you friends with any of their family?
A. Yep! A few, at least
B. I fit in like I am part of the family!
C. I have heard about them
D. What family?
9. Do you think you are the closest friends you know?
A. Yes
B. I hope so
C. Actually No
D. Don’t know
10. Do you his/her secrets?
A. Yes
B. Every secret
C. Some of them
D. No
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