Cousins should always be friends with each other and they should always be together. Do you and your cousin share an unbreakable bond, or Are you and your cousin true cuz-friends, or are you more like distant relatives who only chat during family reunions? With fun and relatable questions, you’ll discover if your cousin is your ultimate partner in crime or just a family member you like. Take the "Are You And Your Cousin Best Friends Quiz" now and find out!
1. How much do you see your cousin?
A. Maybe once a month
B. Never! I hate him/her!
C. Does it matter
2. What do you first of all do when you see your cousin?
A. Hide!
B. Give them a big Bear HUG!
C. Start talking to them
D. Nothing
3. Do you and your cousin have anything in common?
A. Don't care
C. I don't know
D. Something we do
4. How often do you and your cousin talk?
A. Daily, we can't go a day without chatting!
B. A few times a week, we keep in touch.
C. Only during holidays or family events.
D. Rarely, we’re not super close.
5. What’s your go-to activity with your cousin?
A. Watching movies or binge-watching shows together.
B. Going on little adventures or road trips.
C. Playing video games or chatting online.
D. Saying hello at family gatherings and that’s it.
6. Do you know your cousin’s favorite food?
A. Of course, I probably like it too!
B. I think so, but I’m not 100% sure.
C. Not really, but I could guess.
D. I have no idea!
7. When you’re in trouble, how likely are you to call your cousin?
A. First person I’d call—they always have my back!
B. Maybe, depending on the situation.
C. Unlikely, I’d call someone else first.
D. Never, we don’t have that kind of relationship.
8. How often do you share secrets with your cousin?
A. All the time
B. Sometimes, but I also share with others.
C. Rarely, I keep most things private.
D. Never, we don’t talk about personal stuff.
9. If you found out your cousin was upset, what would you do?
A. Call them immediately
B. Send a text to let them know
C. Wait until I see them next
D. I wouldn’t do anything
10. Do you and your cousin have inside jokes?
A. We laugh about them all the time
B. A few here and there.
C. Not really
D. No, we don’t joke around much
11. When was the last time you spent time with your cousin?
A. This week, we’re always hanging out
B. A couple of months ago
C. Last holiday season
D. I honestly can’t remember
12. How does your cousin react to your successes?
A. They’re my biggest cheerleader!
B. They’re happy for me, but it’s low-key.
C. They don’t really say much about it.
D. They probably don’t even know.
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