Humans in the Biosphere Quiz: How Much You Know About Humans in the Biosphere?

Questions : 11 | Total Attempts: 672 | Recent Updated: 11-Feb-2021
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Life-form organisms have evolved on the biosphere that is able to survive in the depths of the ocean, the horrific conditions of Antarctica, and the near-boiling temperatures of geysers. The great richness of adaptation between different populations and species of living organisms is the greatest resource of the earth. It is a prosperity that has evolved over millions of years and is irreplaceable. Its continued functioning depends not only on the maintenance of intimate interactions between innumerable species within local communities but also on the relaxed yet significant interactions of all species and communities around the world. This is also dependent on Earth is blanketed with many species and so many different types of biological communities because populations are able to adapt to almost any type of environment on Earth through natural selection. Let's know more about Humans in the Biosphere.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which one is a consequence of negative human acts with the environment?

A. Degradation of soils

B. Destruction of animal habitats

C. Depleted population of certain fish

D. All of the above

2. Which of the following is the best idea of environmental conservation and sustainability?

A. Careful and controlled use of renewable and non-renewable resources

B. Care and think about wildlife

C. Control excessive forest cutting

D. All of the above

3. The increase in the amount of acid rain in an ecosystem can change the ____________ of the soil.

A. Colour

B. Fertility


D. Fragrance

4. Which of the following abiotic factors would have a lasting negative impact on biodiversity in the temperate forest?

A. Selective cutting

B. Clear-cutting

C. A reduction in the use of fertilizers

D. None of the above

5. Which is the clearing of forests on a massive scale?

A. Detreeing

B. Delimbing

C. Deforestation

D. Reforestation

6. How does global warming affect polar bears?

A. It could cause severe weather patterns in the Arctic

B. It could melt the sea ice which would impact their food supply

C. Both of the above

D. None of these

7. Which layer absorbs ultraviolet rays in the atmosphere?

A. Troposphere

B. Greenhouse gases

C. Stratosphere

D. Ozone layer

8. Which of these items produce CFCs?

A. Spray cans

B. Refrigerant

C. Insulation

D. All of the above

9. The ozone layer is damaged by which?

A. Increase in greenhouse gases

B. Increased global temperatures


D. None of these

10. When was the 'Biosphere Reserve' named for natural areas?

A. 1951

B. 1961

C. 1971

D. 1981

11. By which institution is the name 'Biosphere Reserve' given for natural areas?

A. International Co-ordination Council

B. World forest network

C. World biosphere reserve council

D. World Wildlife Fund


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