The whole world is raising questions these days that what is being done around the world to cool the earth. The average temperature of the Earth is increasing. Due to this, all the countries of the United Nations sat together in COP 26th and reiterated their concern and commitment. COP means Conference of the Parties. In this, all the member countries of the United Nations hold annual conferences to deal with the threats facing Climate Change. Its purpose is zero Carbon Emission. Carbon emissions mean carbon dioxide or those greenhouse gases that are present in the earth's atmosphere. So take this quiz and know more about the Importance & Features Of COP 26th.
1. In which city did COP26th take place?
A. Glasgow, Scotland
B. Geneva, Switzerland
C. Washington DC, USA
D. London, UK
2. The president of the conference was UK cabinet minister ___________.
A. Prem Sharma
B. Alok Sharma
C. Kwasi Kwarteng
D. Priti Patel
3. Since when is the COP26 organized?
A. 25 Oct 2021 – 12 Nov 2021
B. 31 Oct 2021 – 22 Nov 2021
C. 31 Oct 2021 – 12 Nov 2021
D. 30 Oct 2021 – 05 Jan 2022
4. Where was Cop 26 held year 2019?
A. Madrid
B. Alaska
C. Columbia
D. Republic of Chad
5. Which country organized the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference of party?
A. United Kingdom
B. Italy
C. Both of above
D. India
6. What is (CMP 16) known for?
A. Paris Agreement
B. Kyoto Protocol
C. Agreement on climate change
D. None of these
7. On 13 November 2021, the participating 197 countries in COP26 agreed a new deal, known as the:
A. Paris Agreement
B. Kyoto Protocol
C. Glasgow Climate Pact
D. All of the above
8. Which of the following is the Aim of COP 26?
A. Staving off dangerous climate change
B. Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C
C. Deep and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions
D. All of the above-mentioned
9. India promised to draw half of its energy requirement from renewable sources by:
A. 2030
B. 2040
C. 2050
D. 2070
10. India achieve carbon neutrality by...
A. 2030
B. 2040
C. 2050
D. 2070
11. Which of the following car manufacturing company "work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero-emission globally by 2040?
A. Ford
B. Jaguar Land Rover
C. Mercedes-Benz
D. All of the above
12. For which new pledges for financial help on climate change were announced?
A. Mitigation
B. Adaptation
C. Both of above
D. Carbon emission
13. Climate Action Tracker, described the results as which of follows?
A. The global temperature will rise by 2.7 °C by the end of the century with current policies
B. The temperature will rise by 2.4 °C if only the pledges for 2030
C. 1.8 °C if all the announced targets are fully achieved
D. All of the above-mentioned
14. What is the name of COP26 People’s Advocate for the U.K.’s Presidency of UN climate change summit?
A. David Tennant
B. David Beckham
C. Sir David Frost
D. Sir David Attenborough
15. What is the full form of IPCC?
A. Intergovernmental Panel Of Climate Cover
B. Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
C. Both of these
D. None of these
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