Quiz: Is Your Spouse Unhappy?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2365 | Recent Updated: 21-Aug-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Marriage is a match made in heaven, is it so? It becomes crucial to know if are you in a happy relationship. Is your partner getting what she/he expected from the marriage or it is just bland? Do you know what makes your partner sad or happy? This is linked to setting your relations. Some might have already attempted this quiz. You should also take over the 10-question marriage relationship quiz and by the end, you will identify is your spouse happy or unhappy.

Questions Excerpt

1. When you come home after a tiring day what does your spouse do?

A. Start complaining

B. Welcome you with a hug

C. Waves & mutters hello without looking at you

D. She/he don't care you are back to home

2. Do you hear her/him when they want to tell you something?

A. I always listen

B. I don't pay too much attention

C. I don't have time

D. I listen but don't care

3. What is the response from your spouse when you suggest some fun?

A. "Sure" with excitement

B. Appreciate the idea & look forward to it

C. It seems a wastage of time

D. "No", I have many things to do

4. How many times do you call each other every day?

A. Twice

B. Thrice

C. Not at all

D. I do call sometimes

5. How many times a month do you say'I Love You' to your spouse?

A. Once, or may be twice

B. Everyday

C. Never

D. Don't remember

6. How does your spouse react when you want to tell a story?

A. Completely disinterested

B. Looks here and there

C. Listens to you carefully

D. Cuts off your talk and start talking about self

7. How does your partner act around others?

A. Same as she/he is with you

B. Happier with others

C. Unhappy with others

D. Uncomfortable

8. How often do you argue with your spouse?

A. Every now and then, every day

B. One in a week

C. Twice in a week

D. Once in a month

9. What is the topic for most of your arguments?

A. Government policies

B. Personal differences

C. Politics

D. Money

10. How many times you and your spouse have common views?

A. So many

B. A few

C. None

D. Only on food


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