We all have heard of Limestone and Chalk. Well, of course, everyone has. These are some of the very common words that we might have heard in our school or college life or educational background level. Chalk is something that we have generally seen used by our teachers for writing on the blackboard. We all might have also used it since everyone once had a craze of using them. Similarly, limestone is also a common word but not much likely related to school. We are here talking about their features. Let us now have a look at the amazing trivia quiz and see how much you know about the features of chalk and limestone!
1. What crystal form is Limestone derived from?
A. Calcium Nitrate
B. Sodium Nitrate
C. Calcium Carbonate
D. Sodium Hydroxide
2. Where are limestones mostly formed?
A. Marine Water
B. Land
C. Air
D. Mountains
3. What is Limestone called in its purest form?
A. Dolomite
B. Calcium Carbonate
C. Both
D. None of the above
4. What is Chalk and Limestone made up of?
A. Hard Rock
B. Sodium Rock
C. Sedimentary Rock
D. All of the above
5. What is Limestone purest form?
A. Chalk
B. White
C. Both
D. None of the above
6. What is the Limestone vegetation in tropical regions?
A. Obsessive
B. Luxuriant
C. Corossive
D. None of the above
7. What is chalk used for?
A. Snow
B. Antidotes
C. Oxidite
D. Pasture
8. What is the mineral found in Limestones?
A. Pencil
B. Magnesium
C. Lead
D. Coal
9. How is Limestone used?
A. Building materials
B. Cement industry
C. Both of them
D. None of the above
10. What are the landforms of Chalk?
A. Similar to Limestone
B. Similar to white surface
C. Different from landrock
D. Different from limestone
11. Where does Limestone support?
A. White surface
B. Poor grass
C. Green grass
D. Dense forest
12. What do we find on the surface of limestone?
A. White dots
B. Lemon spots
C. Numerous swallow holes
D. A big hole
13. What are the most spectacular underground features that adorn the limestone caves?
A. Stalactites
B. Stalagmites
C. Calcite Pillars
D. All of the above
14. Where is Limestone soluble?
A. Excess Heat
B. Rain Water
C. Flooded Areas
D. None of the above
15. Is Chalk and Limestone same?
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. Somewhat
D. Definitely no
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