The living world can be described as the world around us. It comprises all living creatures, plants, and microorganisms that we cannot see. It has changed over the course of billions of years but the general composition has remained the same. The main components are still organic and inorganic matter. Organic matter includes amino acids, proteins, lipids, etc. whereas inorganic matter includes water and minerals. Let's know more about Living World.
1. A group of organisms that closely resemble each other and freely interbreed in nature constitute a...
A. Species
B. Genus
C. Family
D. Taxon
2. A system of classification being followed universally is that given by...
A. Engler and Prantle
B. Zender and Lederberg
C. Hutchinson and Linnaeus
D. Bentham and hooker
3. Who classified the plants into herbae and arborae?
A. Stephen
B. Sachs
C. John Ray
D. William
4. A group of real organisms recognized as a formal unit at any level of hierarchical classification is called...
A. Kingdom
B. Monera
C. Taxon
D. Species
5. A family tree based on numerical taxonomy is called...
A. Tautonyms
B. Dendrograms
C. Cladogram
D. All of the above
6. In the classification of John Ray the term Arborae means...
A. Woody stem
B. Herbaceous stem
C. Flowering plants
D. Dicot plants
7. Which one is concerned with Famine Of Bengal?
A. Helminthosporium
B. Alternaria
C. Phytophtora Infestence
D. Pyhium
8. Morphology of plant is not considered in...
A. Practical system
B. Artificial system
C. Natural system
D. Phyllogenetic system
9. In the classification of Bentham and Hooker, order was named as...
A. Class
B. Cohort
C. Family
D. Series
10. On the basis of flowers and sexual reproduction, and evolutionary sequence, Eichler classified the plants into...
A. Prokaryota and Eukaryota
B. Cryptogams and phanerogams
C. Mycota, algae and Ferns
D. Tetradynamia and Cryptogamia
11. Morphologically similar but reproductively isolated species are called...
A. Neontological species
B. Sibling species
C. Allopatric species
D. Morphospecies
12. Clamp connection is the characters of...
A. Phycomycetes
B. Ascomycetes
C. Basidiomycetes
D. Deuteromycetes
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