Loki Laufeyson, known by adoption as Loki, is a fictional character portrayed by Tom Hiddleston in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. He is portrayed as the Norse god of mischief and is known for his cunning, wit, and shapeshifting abilities. Loki's character has borrowed several characteristics and storylines from across the history of the character in Marvel Comics. As in the comics, Loki has generally been a villain in the MCU, variously attempting to conquer Asgard or Earth, and having allied himself with more powerful villains to achieve his aims. Do you think you have good knowledge about this character? So Let's Find out with the help of this Loki quiz. Answer a few simple questions in this quiz and see how well you can score. All the best!
1. Who plays the character of Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
A. Mark Ruffalo
B. Tom Hiddleston
C. Chris Hemsworth
D. Robert Downey Jr.
2. Loki is the adoptive brother of which Marvel superhero?
A. Thor
B. Iron Man
C. Spider-Man
D. Captain America
3. Which film marks Loki's first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
A. Thor: Ragnarok
B. The Avengers
C. Thor: The Dark World
D. Thor
4. What is the name of Loki's mother?
A. Eir
B. Hera
C. Freya
D. Frigga
5. Which Marvel comic series features Loki as the main character?
A. Journey into Mystery
B. The Mighty Thor
C. Thor: God of Thunder
D. Loki: Agent of Asgard
6. Which Marvel character forms an alliance with Loki in "Thor: Ragnarok"?
A. Hela
B. Thor
C. Hulk
D. None of these
7. Which Marvel character captures Loki and puts him in a mind-controlled state in "The Avengers"?
A. Hulk
B. Hawkeye
C. Iron Man
D. Captain America
8. In "Avengers: Infinity War," Loki is killed by which villain?
A. Ultron
B. Hela
C. Thanos
D. Malekith
9. Loki forms an alliance with which character in "Avengers: Infinity War"?
A. Thor
B. Gamora
C. Doctor Strange
D. Ebony Maw
10. As of 2023, the character Loki has appeared in how many films?
A. Two
B. Five
C. Eight
D. Seven
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