Making Peace with Nature Report Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 667 | Recent Updated: 24-Feb-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The 'Making Peace with Nature' report has been released by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) ahead of the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5). The report sheds light on how climate change, erosion of biodiversity, and pollution are all associated with spontaneously occurring emergency situations on Earth that pose undesirable risks for present and future generations. Due to climate change, the possibility of freeing Arctic Ocean ice in summer is increasing, disrupting the ocean circulation and Arctic Ecosystems. Let's know more about the Making Peace with Nature Report.

Questions Excerpt

1. The United Nations Environment Assembly was formed in:

A. January 2012

B. June 2012

C. July 2012

D. June 1992

2. Which of the following changes happen due to climate change?

A. Wildfires

B. Water stress changes

C. Loss of biodiversity

D. All of the above

3. The United Nations Convention on Sustainable Development is also referred to as:

A. As RIO + 02

B. As RIO + 12

C. As RIO + 20

D. As RIO + 21

4. Who are particularly highly sensitive to climate change?

A. Wildfires

B. Water stress changes

C. Coral Reefs

D. All of the above

5. What is UNEP?

A. Global Environmental Authority

B. National Environmental Authority

C. Regional Environmental Authority

D. None of the above

6. When was UNEP founded by the United Nations?

A. 05 June 1972

B. 05 June 1976

C. 05 June 1978

D. 05 June 1987

7. What is the United Nations Environment Assembly- UNEA?

A. Decision making in the context of environment is the highest level body in the world

B. Decision making in the context of environment is the highest level body in the national

C. Decision making in the context of environment is the highest level body in the regional

D. All of the above mentioned

8. To develop international environmental law is held in:

A. Single

B. Biennially

C. Quarter

D. None of these

9. Certainly, which goals are the global society not moving towards achieving?

A. Land Degradation Neutrality

B. Aichi Targets

C. Paris Agreement

D. All of the above-mentioned

10. Which are the results of the report?

A. Biodiversity loss

B. Performance on SDGs

C. Planetary emergency

D. All of the above

11. What is the full meaning of SDGs?

A. Sustainable Development Goals

B. Super Development Goals

C. Several Development Goals

D. None of these

12. The 'Making Peace with Nature' report has been released ahead of the __________ session of the United Nations Environment Assembly.

A. Second

B. Fourth

C. Fifth

D. Sixth


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