Donation is one of the nicest and purest words that we might be aware of! Everyone loves to donate and donating for a cause just adds a little more comfort. There are several causes for a person to donate, some might donate for emergency cases while some are casual donators and prefer to donate daily. Have you ever thought about what might be your type? You might be eager to know Which Cause Should You Donate To? Try out this quiz and kill your eagerness with your answers!!
1. Which word describes you the best?
A. Intelligent
B. Smart
C. Adventurous
D. Calm
2. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you donate?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 8
D. 10
3. According to you, the donation is?
A. Most important thing
B. Just like normal things
C. My daily routine
D. Important in need of emergency
4. When did you last donate?
A. Yesterday
B. An year ago
C. 2 Months ago
D. I don't remember
5. DO you like to make charitable gifts?
A. Always
B. Quite Often
C. Generally
D. Somewhat
6. DP you think donating for a cause is important?
A. Not at all
B. Yes
C. Somewhat
D. I am equal between yes and no
7. How much do you generally give?
A. Amount I set aside
B. None
C. 10% of my income
D. My savings
8. For which of the following, you are most willing to donate?
A. Legacy of generosity
B. Maximum impact on enviornment
C. Charitable investments
D. Helping beggars out there
9. By what you are motivated the most?
A. Personal experience
B. Strong Emotions
C. Sense Of Duty
D. Memories
10. Which describes you?
A. I have a desire to give
B. I dream of starting an NGO
C. I want to encourage employees
D. I get many fundraiser invitations
11. What is most important to you?
A. Charitable gifts
B. Family name with some charitable cause
C. Publicity
D. New tradition of helping people
12. What will you prefer?
A. Offer your time
B. Give money
C. Donate assets
D. Give whatever is most needed
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