Ecosystem is one of the very important part of or lives. Ecosystem is nothing but the system of our environment that is much polluted these days, but the system has to be well maintained. But we all are the real witnesses to what has happened to our ecosystem. The ecosystem has been affected badly and there are several factors that had and are still causing a lot of trouble to the ecosystem. Government are planning to manage these hazards to the economy that might be a great trouble to our future. Let us now have a look at the very interesting quiz and let us see how much much you can answer about the ecosystem management!
1. Why is management of ecosystem necessary?
A. Sustainabiity
B. Preventing the resources
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
2. What causes harm to the ecosystem?
A. Pollution
B. Land Degradation
C. Climate Changes
D. All of the above
3. Which approach is Ecosystem Management?
A. Scientific
B. Human
C. Both
D. None of the above
4. What are the attributes that should be followed in the view of Ecosystem Management?
A. Monitoring Sites
B. Setting Restrictions
C. Actions against those not following rules
D. All of the above
5. what are the different names of Carbon Di Oxide?
A. O2
B. CO2
C. H2O
D. None of the above
6. What are the constituents of greenhouse gases?
A. Methane, CO2, Water Vapor
B. Methane, Water Vapor, O2
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
7. What are the calculations of total CO2 emissions called?
A. Natural Gases
B. Greenhouse Effects
C. Carbon Footprint
D. Greenhouse Gases
8. What are the natural heating effect of the excess CO2 called?
A. Greenhouse Effect
B. Methane Effect
C. CO2 Effect
D. None of the above
9. What is the chilled topsoil called?
A. Topsoil
B. Permanently Fixed
C. Permafrost
D. None of the above
10. What is a large terrestrial community that stretches between North America and Southern Asia?
A. Polar Ice
B. Island
C. Taiga
D. Forests
11. What is Phytoplankton?
A. Photosynthetic algae or bacteria
B. Unwanted plants
C. Deciduous forests
D. Savanna
12. Which is a free floating animal which is microscopic that are abundant in a psychophotic zones?
A. Fish
B. Sponge
C. Phytoplankton
D. Zooplankton
13. What is the transition between a river and ocean called?
A. Wetland
B. Estuary
C. Equator
D. Shore
14. What is the area called where land meets ocean?
A. Intertidal zones
B. Estuary
C. Wetlands
D. Equators
15. What is a major terrestrial or a physical environment called?
A. Habitat
B. Environment
C. Zones
D. Biome
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