Water Pollution Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About Water Pollution

Questions : 19 | Total Attempts: 980 | Recent Updated: 15-Dec-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Water, essential for life, faces pollution from chemicals and impurities, endangering ecosystems and human health. Organic and inorganic elements, pathogens, and temperature shifts contribute to this crisis. Pollution, categorized as point and nonpoint, disrupts aquatic balance through biological, chemical, and physical contaminants. If unchecked, scarcity of clean water looms, emphasizing the urgency to act. Quizzes focusing on water pollution serve as educational tools, vital for awareness and solutions. Understanding its complexities is key to safeguarding this invaluable resource. Engaging in a "Water Pollution Quiz" not only educates but also propels action towards preserving our water ecosystems.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which type of water pollution can occur when (SO2) sulfur dioxide gets into the earth's atmosphere?

A. Sewage pollution

B. Oxygen depletion

C. Acid rain

D. Oil spills

2. Where did the Exxon Valdez oil spill take place?

A. In the Indian Ocean

B. Near China

C. Off the coast of Alaska

D. All of above

3. Which of the following is not a natural cause of water pollution?

A. Algae blooms

B. Animal waste

C. Volcanoes

D. Wastewater

4. What can happen to fish when there isn't enough oxygen in the water?

A. Suffocate

B. No longer float in the water

C. Can't see

D. None of these

5. What type of water pollution is produced by farm animals?

A. Pesticides

B. Sewage

C. Animal waste

D. All of above

6. Which type of water pollution is produced from chemicals used to kill bugs and weeds?

A. Pesticides

B. Herbicides

C. Both of above

D. None of these

7. Which are main sources of water pollution?

A. Domestic effluents

B. Industrial effluents

C. Radioactive wastes

D. All of above

8. How humans are the main cause of water pollution, which is triggered in many ways?

A. By the dumping of industrial waste

B. Chemical contaminants

C. By the dumping of sewage water, etc

D. All of above

9. How can you help prevent water pollution?

A. Use less clean water

B. Don't use weed killer in the yard

C. Scrape plates clean

D. All of above

10. Which of the following is the stage of water treatment?

A. Collection

B. Screening and Straining

C. Chemical Addition

D. All of above

11. Which of the following is the type of contamination?

A. Chemical contamination

B. Biological contamination

C. Both of these

D. None of these

12. Which is an important water quality parameter?

A. Biochemical Oxygen Demand

B. Biochemical Food Demand

C. Biochemical Carbon Demand

D. Biochemical Sulphur Demand

13. The most polluted river in the world is ....

A. Yamuna River

B. Citarum River

C. Ganges River

D. Yellow River

14. Which one of the following causes the permanent hardness of water?

A. Gypsum

B. Sodium sulphate

C. Manganese

D. Magnesium Sulphate

15. Diseases caused by nitrate poisoning in water are....

A. Blue Baby syndrome

B. Methemoglobin

C. Minamata disease

D. None of the above

16. The consumption of causes Minamata disease.......

A. Fish from mercury contaminated water

B. Fish from chlorine contaminated water

C. Fish from arsenic contaminated water

D. All of these

17. Excess of nitrates causes......

A. Itai-itai disease

B. Methaemoglobinemia

C. Skeletal fluorosis

D. Black foot

18. Which one of the following is caused by the excess presence of fluorine?

A. Minimata

B. Malfunctioning of sex hormones

C. Cerebral hemorrhage

D. Skeletal fluorosis

19. Black foot disease caused due to the presence of excess.....

A. Mercury

B. Arsinic

C. Fluorine

D. Carbon dioxide


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