We all have a sort of personality in us that is clearly affected by our choices, majorly psychological! Have you ever thought about your communication habits or preferences? One test to find it is MBTI. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is known as MBTI. People regularly use this tool to better understand their own communication style and interpersonal interactions. Understanding the MBTI might enable you to change your interpersonal style to suit various contexts and target audiences. Let us find out the answers here.
1. Choose the word that matches your personality?
A. Unique
B. Sweet
C. Cute
D. Rude
2. What is your favorite type of food?
A. Mexican
B. Italian
C. Chinese
D. American
3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Introverted Extrovert
C. Extrovert
D. Extroverted Introvert
4. How likely are you to play a leadership role?
A. Very likely
B. Likely
C. Sometimes
D. Not really
5. Which statement fits you?
A. I am a leader
B. I am a follower
C. I believe in friendship
D. I believe in equality
6. What is your favorite color?
A. Black
B. Blue
C. Golden
D. Voilet
7. Who motivates you the most?
A. My sibling
B. My parents
C. My partner
D. My best friend
8. Do you like to make a lot of friends?
A. Not at all
B. Equally a yes and no
C. Sometimes yes
D. Yesss
9. What is the most important thing according to you?
A. Love
B. Friendship
C. Money
D. Career
10. What is your favorite social media platform?
A. Instagram
B. LinkedIn
C. Facebook
D. Snapchat
11. Do you often speak when you see injustice being served?
A. Yess
B. Sometimes yes
C. Majorly no
D. Not at all
12. What is your favorite sport?
A. Volleyball
B. Football
C. Tennis
D. Criket
13. What is your favorite type of way of meeting friends?
A. Text
B. Partying everyday
C. Casual meetings (once a week or month)
D. Never
14. DO you believe religion should be a factor when you make friends?
A. Not at all
B. Sometimes yes
C. Yes
D. Can't say
15. Are you happy with life?
A. Yes
B. Always happy
C. I want something more
D. Not the way!
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