Edward Thorndyke developed the first three laws of learning: exercise, readiness, and effect. He also laid out the law of influence which means that any behavior is likely to be repeated after pleasant consequences, and any behavior after unpleasant consequences is likely to be avoided. Let's check how much you know about the law of learning!
1. In which types of societies are laws usually written formally?
A. Large scale society
B. Small scale society
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
2. What is common law?
A. Laws that develop slowly over time and are usually part of the existing cultural tradition rather than implemented by the legislature or rulers
B. Laws that are enforced by the legislature or the rulers and which are generally applicable to all.
C. Laws that are commonly found in all types of societies
D. Don't know
3. Which of the following statements about the law is true?
A. It is not uncommon for some laws to be confusing for members of the society in which they exist.
B. Laws are often open to interpretation depending on the state of the crime.
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
4. Juries around the world usually reflect the decision to _________________.
A. Reasonable man
B. A reasonable person
C. Political elite within society
D. Don't know
5. The term "affirmative approval" refers to ______________.
A. The concept of ownership in which an owner of a property has the right to decide whether it is being used or not actively kept
B. A reward for appropriate or commendable behavior that conforms to social norms
C. A punishment for violation of social norms
D. Don't know
6. An informal negative acceptance is _________________________.
A. An informal, non-official punishment for violation of social norms
B. Law prohibiting intercourse and marriage between people of different castes
C. A socially recognized link between individuals created as a reviewer to deal with particular situations, such as the bond between a godmother and her godfather
D. Don't know
7. In which type of social environment are informal negative sanctions likely to be an effective mechanism of social control?
A. Large cities of modern nations are like the United States
B. Small rural cities in which everyone knows everyone
C. Separate bands of villagers
D. B and C
8. Which of the following are important parts of social control in some small non-Western societies?
A. Forced use of hallucinations drugs
B. The threat of witchcraft
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
9. Which of the following would be a positive endorsement?
A. Getting good grades in school
B. Being promoted in the army
C. Being allowed to go to the "heaven" of their religion
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following types of people would be considered criminals for acting strangely in public and later arrested by police in North America?
A. A well-dressed rich man
B. An unemployed man of African descent living on the street
C. A homeless woman of European descent living on the street
D. Don't know
11. What types of legal concerns are common in societies that occur on pedestrians or simple horticultural subsistence bases?
A. Failure to share food
B. Theft of property
C. Fights resulting from competition for the same partner
D. A and C
12. How were disputes and crimes within the community generally decided traditionally by Ju 'Honsee and other small-scale societies?
A. They used to openly gossip about pious and socially destabilize them.
B. He had a trial informally held courts with advocates speaking for judges and defendants.
C. They avoid public discussion about any dispute or crime to reduce stress and everyone forgets about it
D. Don't know
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