Quiz: How Much You Know About The Dynasty Of Guptas?

Questions : 9 | Total Attempts: 677 | Recent Updated: 23-Oct-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The Gupta dynasty was an ancient dynasty, this dynasty was founded by Maharaja Shri Gupta, an ancient Indian empire that existed from the middle to the third century CE to 543 CE. The empire covered most of the Indian subcontinent, this period is considered by some historians as the golden age of India. The Gupta empire was considered to be the dynasty of the Vaishya caste, the third of the four Hindu castes representing merchants and peasants, the high points of the period being the great cultural developments that mainly followed the reigns of Samudragupta, Chandragupta II, and Kumaragupta. So let's start this quiz and know to explore something new about the Dynasty Of Guptas.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following dynasty came after the Gupta dynasty?

A. Magadha

B. Kushan Dynasty

C. Maurya Dynasty

D. Ghazni Dynasty

2. Which of the following was the last Gupta king?

A. Chandragupta

B. Skandagupta

C. Vishnugupta

D. None of these

3. Which of the following Gupta emperors called himself “Lichchhavi-dauhitra”?

A. Ashokagupta

B. Kushangupta

C. Chandragupta

D. Samudragupta

4. Which of these is considered the greatest hero of the Gupta age?

A. Ashoka

B. Kanishka

C. Chandragupta

D. None of these

5. Who was the ruler of India during the Golden age?

A. Kushan Empire

B. Gupta Empire

C. Kanishka Empire

D. None of these

6. Which of the following Gupta emperor was an expert Veena player?

A. Ashokagupta

B. Kumara Gupta

C. Skanda Gupta

D. Samudragupta

7. Which of these was the symbol of the Gupta empire?

A. Arthashastra

B. Son of God

C. Eagle Garuda

D. All of the above

8. Which of the following Gupta ruler defeated hunas?

A. Ruler Ashoka

B. Ruler Kanishka

C. Ruler Chandragupta

D. Ruler Skandagupta

9. Which of the following was the last ruler of the Gupta empire?

A. Vishnugupta

B. Chandragupta

C. Skandagupta

D. None of these


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