Being white means that you fall under a certain racial stereotype. If you like apple pies more than other desserts or if you enjoy BBQ on the weekends with your family then you are already very white. But discovering how white you are can be fun. Are you wondering why you like to go hunting? Or why do you think football is better than soccer? Then take this quiz to find out how white are you.
1. Where do you live?
A. New York
B. Texas
C. Mexico
D. France
2. Who is your favorite pop singer?
A. Taylor Swift
B. Bob Dylan
C. Beyonce
D. Billie Eilish
3. What is your favorite holiday?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Halloween
C. Christmas
D. Hanukkah
4. What is your ideal weekend plan?
A. Chilling at home alone
B. BBQ in my backyard
C. Camping in the woods
D. Family time
5. Do you buy organic food?
A. Very much
B. If I want to
C. Depends on my mood
D. No money for that
6. Do you have a spinster aunt who you dislike?
A. She lives next door
B. I don’t know
C. I have an uncle I dislike
D. Not really
7. How do you feel about owning a gun?
A. It’s a necessity
B. For self-defense
C. Not sure
D. They are too dangerous
8. What do you plan to name your kid one day?
A. Ted
B. Alora
C. Norberto
D. Grace
9. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
A. Traveling the world
B. Owning a business empire
C. Married with two kids
D. Other
10. How do your friends describe you?
A. Ethical
B. Kind
C. Brave
D. Rebellious
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