A beautiful country, a peaceful civilization, and good neighbors, that’s what Canada is. The country is not as big as the USA neither it’s old like India or Egypt but it has an important place in a global society. Are you as quirky as Canadian? The spirit of a stereotype Canadian is inspiring. Everyone out of us is a bit of Canadian inside, even if you are not a native. Let’s find out what percent Canadians are!
1. What coffee brand do you want to dig in?
A. Starbucks
B. Barista
C. Dunkin’ Donuts
D. Tim Hortons
2. How cold can be the winters?
A. 10°c and less
B. Less than 0°c
C. Temperature goes down to -30°c
D. Are there any winters?
3. Do you know Santa is Canadian?
A. No, he is American!
B. What?
C. Yes, he is!
D. He is European
4. Which one is right out of the following?
A. Canada was first to discover crude oil
B. Canada has dense evergreen forests
C. Canada has a landing pad for UFOs
D. Canada is a country with the largest area.
5. How polite are you?
A. What!
B. Sorry!
C. Excuse me!
D. Whatever!
6. Your colleague doesn’t know English or French which is the third probable language he/she knows?
A. Do you need so many?
B. It’s probably Spanish!
C. It’s Punjabi!
D. Maybe some from or samurai language
7. Which leaf is there on the Canadian flag?
A. Chestnut
B. Marijuana
C. Maple
D. Olive
8. What sport do you follow?
A. Hockey
B. Football
C. Basketball
D. Nothing in particular
9. What is American beer?
A. I don’t know
B. Canadian beers are better
C. They have less alcohol
D. They are great
10. The USA is the biggest tourist destination for Canadians and vice versa.
A. Why would Americans visit Canada?
B. Maybe
C. Actually yes
D. Why they’ve made this international border than?
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