Everyone wished to be skilled in magic or have magical powers, usually, we all imagined being like some or other fictional wizard character and also had adapted some of their characteristics in our life from our soul. We may not show or represent it in public or to others but do have fictional wizards deep in our soul, which usually can be known through our choices, likes/dislikes, or many times by our actions or behavior.
1. What you will prefer among the following to ride?
A. Car
B. Cycle
C. Scooter
D. Public Transport
2. If we talk about your loved ones, then with whom you are more close?
A. Friends
B. Parents
C. Partner
D. No one
3. If you are rushing late to reach your destination, but someone on way requests you for help but you know it may end up in making you later, what would you do?
A. Help that person
B. Inform the associated person for it
C. Request others to help
D. Ignore and rush to work and think later about the person
4. What is the best way of your time to pass?
A. Reading books
B. Spend time with loved ones
C. Do something creative
D. Being sporty
5. What attracts you most among the following?
A. Sports
B. Shopping
C. Working
D. Learning
6. What acts as a magic pill to you?
A. Sleep
B. Being involved in nature
C. Communicate with others
D. Overthinking and being isolated
7. What you are more interested in?
A. Music
B. Art
C. Gym
D. Cooking
8. Where or with whom you spend your most of time?
A. Co-workers
B. Family
C. Friends
D. Alone
9. If you get a choice to get your one fantasy fulfilled what it will be?
A. Vacations
B. Buy something you dreamy always
C. Help others
D. Charity
10. Which word can best describe you and your personality?
A. Sweet
B. Sour
C. Salty
D. No Idea
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