Not everyone has a business sense. To build a career in management an MBA degree is mandatory. The business field is extensive. It opens countless opportunities in financial services, human resources, marketing, and accounting. Wish to have a career in management, but not sure which business major should you opt for? Let us help to clear the cloud. Find out which type of MBA is right for you with this career quiz.
1. Which of the following are you best at?
A. Communication
B. Managing people & resources
C. Negotiation
D. Calculation
2. What would you like to improve in yourself?
A. Relationship with people
B. Data analysis
C. Both
D. Not sure
3. How do you like to work?
A. I am a team worker
B. I lead a group of people
C. I like to work alone
D. No preference
4. What is your ultimate career goal?
A. To start a business
B. To make a difference to my company
C. Become an expert in my field
D. Generating Passive income
5. What field interests you most?
A. Finance
B. Healthcare
C. Consulting
D. Technology
6. According to you, what is the most important part of the business?
A. Marketing
B. Human Resource
C. Finance
D. Operations & logistics
7. Are you introverted or extroverted?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Ambivert
D. Not sure
8. What used to be your favorite subject in school?
A. Math
B. Humanities
C. Psychology
D. English
9. How your peers do describes you?
A. Leader
B. Communicator
C. Math Wizard
D. Organized
10. How do you deal with a stressful situation?
A. Keep calm & try to find a solution
B. Avoid it completely
C. It is a challenge
D. Breakdown easily
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