RK Narayan Quiz: How Much Do You Know About RK Narayan?

Questions : 19 | Total Attempts: 1136 | Recent Updated: 27-Mar-2022
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RK Narayan's full name is Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami. Narayan was a well-known Fiction, mythology, and non-fiction writer mostly known for his work set in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi. He was a leading author of early Indian literature in English, also he was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He belongs to Chennai, Tamil Nadu in a Tamil brahmin family and did his primary education at Christian Mission School. After completing high school, Narayan failed the university entrance examination and spent a year at home reading and writing; he subsequently passed the examination in 1926 and joined Maharaja College of Mysore to obtain a master's degree. After that, he worked as a professor of school and a physical teacher, but he was not happy with that, these experiences made Narayan realize that the only career for him was in writing, and he decided to stay at home and write novels. And in just a few years he wrote many Nobel, short stories. So let's start this quiz and know more interesting facts about R.K.Narayan.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the full name of RK Narayan?

A. Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami

B. Ramakrishnan narayan

C. Rasipuramkrishnan narayan

D. Rajkot narayan

2. What is the birth date & year of RK Narayan?

A. 10 October 1906

B. 12 October 1907

C. 14 October 1908

D. 16 October 1909

3. What was the name of his wife?

A. Rajam

B. Raji

C. Rajmala

D. Raziya

4. How many siblings did he have?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8

5. What was his first job?

A. School teacher

B. Waiter

C. Writer

D. Singer

6. Where did he get his bachelor's degree from?

A. Maharaja college of mysore

B. Rajaram college of mysore

C. Mysore intermediate College

D. College of commerce, Mysore

7. What was the first novel written by Rk Narayan?

A. Malgudi days

B. The bachelor of arts

C. Swami and friends

D. The friendship tales

8. What is the name of his daughter?

A. Hemlata

B. Hemshika

C. Hema

D. Himani

9. He won the Sahitya akademi award in-

A. 1959

B. 1960

C. 1961

D. 1962

10. In which year did he die?

A. 2000

B. 1999

C. 1998

D. 2001

11. In which year did he recieve padma Bhushan?

A. 1967

B. 1966

C. 1964

D. 1961

12. Which was the last novel of RK Narayan?

A. The Bachelor of Arts

B. Grandmother's Tale

C. The Vendor of Sweets

D. My Days

13. Who was the mentor of Narayan?

A. Graham Greene

B. Arthur Golding

C. Lindsey Pollak

D. Maria Popova

14. For which book did R.K.Narayan win Sahitya Akademi Award?

A. The Ramayana

B. Reluctant Guru

C. The Guide

D. Next Sunday

15. When was R.K.Narayan's first Novel Swami and Friends was published?

A. 1955

B. 1945

C. 1935

D. 1950

16. Which of the following year his book "The Man-Eater of Malgudi" was published?

A. 1971

B. 1970

C. 1961

D. 1960

17. Which of the following book is written by R. K. Narayan?

A. Sonnet 116

B. The Temptest

C. A Lover's Complaint

D. The English Teacher

18. In which year was R.K.Narayan elected an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters?

A. 1982

B. 1972

C. 1962

D. 1952

19. Which year R.K.Narayan was honored with Filmfare Award for Best Story?

A. 1960

B. 1990

C. 1976

D. 1967


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