What Is Your Copywriting Voice Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 781 | Recent Updated: 19-Jul-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
What you say effectiveness depends on how you say something. Copywriting is communicating the brand voice. Until you are not clear about the brand voice you cannot write an impressive copy. Are you unattached or free from upmarket trends? Take the quiz below so that you can know what is the copywriting voice that connects you better with your ideal clients.

Questions Excerpt

1. How long are you in the world of copywriting?

A. I’m in my first year of it

B. 2+ years

C. Content writing…ain’t it the same

D. Planning to take a copywriting course soon

2. You use a laptop to-

A. Tweak your website

B. Check emails & social media

C. Write an interesting blog post out of your creative imagination

D. Message to your small business team

3. How do you start the blog post?

A. With a personalized story

B. Trivia resulted from relevant research

C. Putting together the outline to make an interesting post

D. Understanding the importance of the topic for audiences

4. What’s your biggest strength?

A. Your ability to connect with people around you

B. Your ability to spin a story around a past happening too quickly

C. Your ability to focus on the bull’s eye

D. Your learner mode is on every time

5. Your plan for the next 1-year includes:

A. Enjoy doing plenty of creative stuff that you have never attempted

B. What my financial spreadsheet made before January 1, possibly I can provide financial support to some needy

C. Helping as many people as I can with some teaching

D. Do more of what works well till now in a more organized and planned way

6. What is your sure shot way to destress?

A. Solving Sudoku or Crossword

B. Writing a diary

C. Call your mom or friends and talk with the

D. It’s art time! Painting a canvas or listening to the music

7. What is your work ethic?

A. Dream big and give my full to achieve it

B. Lead the people

C. Make a work plan & work according to it

D. Simplify and make significant changes

8. Which is the best adjective combination for you?

A. Passionate & Forward-thinking

B. Witty & Curious

C. Welcoming & Approachable

D. Artistic & Thoughtful

9. What do you think when you hear the word ‘Money’:

A. Spend it

B. Earn it

C. Don’t let it vanish, save it

D. Like stars in the sky

10. What are the qualities that guide your copy?

A. Knowledge

B. Creativity

C. Approach

D. All of the above


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