Rossby Wave Quiz: How Much You Know About Rossby Wave?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 600 | Recent Updated: 05-Feb-2021
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A study published in the journal Science states that the incidence of drought or drought in India is historically associated with El-Nino. It also states that Rossby currents may be responsible for about 6 out of 10 drought or drought events occurring in non-El Nino years during the summer-monsoon period in India. It is also reported that Rossby currents. They are generated by atmospheric disturbances in the Atlantic region. Rossby waves occur naturally in rotating fluids. Within the Earth's ocean and atmosphere, these waves play an important role in shaping the weather. Rossby waves, in meteorology, are large horizontal atmospheric oscillations that are associated with polar-front jet streams and separate cold polar air from warm tropical air. Let's know more about Rossby Wave.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who was the first to identify these waves?

A. Jule Gregory Charney Rossby

B. Vilhelm Bjerknes Rossby

C. Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby

D. Horace R. Byers Rossby

2. By which month does this wave hit the Indian subcontinent?

A. March

B. June

C. August

D. November

3. These waves or waves turn from the North Atlantic and hit the:

A. Tibetan plateau

B. Madagascar

C. Himalayan

D. All of the above

4. Where do these waves flow from?

A. West to east

B. North to south

C. North to East

D. East to west

5. These waves are also called:

A. Planetary Waves

B. Capillary waves

C. Gravity waves

D. None of these

6. These waves are generated due to the rotation of the:

A. Wind's

B. Earth

C. Mounten

D. All of the above

7. How are Rossby waves formed?

A. When polar winds move toward the equator

B. While tropical air moves toward the polar

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

8. Rossby waves are a major component of __________ circulation.

A. Pulmonary circulation

B. Ferrel circulation

C. Systemic circulation

D. None of these

9. What are the types of Rossby waves or currents?

A. Two

B. Four

C. Six

D. Eight

10. The highest point of a wave is:

A. Crest

B. Spring Tide

C. Trough

D. Neap Tide

11. The lowest point of a wave is:

A. Crest

B. Amplitude

C. Trough

D. None of these

12. Which of the following are types of Rossby waves?

A. Oceanic Rossby waves or currents

B. Atmospheric Rossby waves or currents

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above


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