These are the hands of an ecosystem. It includes producers, consumers, and decomposers. Producers are autotrophs which means they can synthesize their own food. Producers are doors that provide food, shelter, and oxygen to the consumers. Consumers are heterotrophs which means they feed on others. They obtain energy from producers directly or indirectly. Decomposers include microorganism which feeds on the dead and decaying body of other organisms. So take this quiz and increase your knowledge about biotic factors of the ecosystem.
1. Which of the following are called transducers because they change light energy to chemical energy?
A. Producers
B. Consumers
C. Decomposers
D. Reducers
2. Which of the following are also known as phagotrophic?
A. Producers
B. Consumers
C. Both of these
D. None of these
3. Which of the following is an example of secondary consumers?
A. Deer
B. Cattle
C. Rabbit
D. Fox
4. Which one of the following is a saprotroph?
A. Birds
B. Wolf
C. Bacteria
D. Snake
5. The upper layer of soil is the place of decomposition and the organic remains are called.......
A. Humus
B. Organic matter
C. Detritus
D. All of these
6. Above ground, detritus consist of Dead remains of plants, animals and fecal matters and is also called......
A. Litterfall
B. Humus
C. Both of these
D. None of these
7. Sometimes nutrients get tied up with the Biomass of microbes and become unavailable to other organisms. They are available only after the death of the organism, it is called...
A. Nutrient
B. Nutrient immobilization
C. Humus
D. Litter
8. At which temperature decomposition process is maximum?
A. 10 degree Celsius
B. 20 degree Celsius
C. 25 degree Celsius
D. 15 degree celsius
9. When detritus is rich in lignin and chitin decomposition process is.....
A. Fast
B. Slow
C. Medium
D. None of these
10. Catabolism by bacteria and fungi continues until the formation of color substance, humus occurs called......
A. Leaching
B. Mineralization
C. Huminification
D. Nutrient immobilization
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