Scorpios are born between October 23rd to November 21st. But there is a chance that even if you were born at that time you do not resemble Scorpios, or you only resemble Scorpios at some traits. Well, how Scorpio you really are is a question that can be answered only if you are willing to answer some fun questions. Let's get into it.
1. How do you react when people give you their advice?
A. Take the advice politely
B. Get irritated
C. Argue with them
D. Ignore them
2. Can you tell if a person is lying?
A. Yes, I can read eyes
B. Sometimes
C. I can but I don’t create opinions unless I am sure about it
D. No
3. What do you do when you are alone?
A. Meditate
B. Work
C. Chill
D. Think about other people
4. What do you do if someone offers their help?
A. Take their help if I need it
B. I don’t like favours
C. Who are you to help me?
D. Politely say no
5. What are your plans for the future?
A. Work for my dreams
B. Just stay happy
C. Leave the work and go on a long vacation
D. Not sure about anything
6. Would you flirt with someone while you are in a relationship?
A. Healthy flirting is necessary
B. Strictly no
C. If they flirt, I can’t ignore them
D. Ask my partner first if they are ok with it
7. Which games do you like more?
A. Arcade
B. Adventure
C. Puzzle
D. Mystery
8. When often do you lose your temper?
A. Once in a day
B. Once in a week
C. Once in a month
D. I don't remember getting angry
9. What do you do if a stranger asks you to keep a secret?
A. Never let the secret out until they themselves do it
B. Does telling my best friend count?
C. Tell everyone about it
D. Who got time to think about all this?
10. Would you take revenge on someone?
A. Yes
B. I don’t believe in revenge
C. Depends on the situation
D. I don’t forgive anyone until I die
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