Sectors of Indian Economy Trivia Quiz For 10th Grade Students

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 934 | Recent Updated: 15-May-2020
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In the Indian economy, there are three sectors primary economy, secondary economy and tertiary economy sector. The sector of the Indian economy is taking place on the basis of the nature of economic activities. On the basis of the employment condition, the economy sector is divided into the Organised sector and unorganized sector and on the basis of ownership these sectors are divided into the public sector private sector.

Questions Excerpt

1. The sectors are classified into public and private sectors on the basis of....

A. Employment condition

B. The nature of economics activities

C. Number of workers employed

D. Ownership of enterprises

2. When we produce a good by exploiting natural resources, it is an activity of the ...

A. Secondary sector

B. Tertiary sector

C. Primary sector

D. Organised sector

3. The service sector includes activities such as...

A. Agriculture,dairy,fishing and forestry

B. Making sugar,gur and bricks

C. Transport,communication and banking

D. None of these

4. Choose the correct meaning of the organised sector ...

A. It covers those enterprises where the terms of employment are regular

B. It is outside the control of the government

C. Jobs are not regular

D. It provides low salaries

5. Which of the following is included in the tertiary sector?

A. ATM booths

B. Call centres

C. Internet cafe

D. All of them

6. The government owns most of the assets and provides all the services ...

A. Private sector

B. Public sector

C. Organised sector

D. Tertiary sector

7. The value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a particular year is called ...

A. Gross domestic product

B. Net domestic product

C. National product

D. Production of tertiary sector

8. A situation in which more persons are employed on a job than is optimally required is...

A. Structural unemployment

B. Disguised unemployment

C. Cyclical unemployment

D. Seasonal employment

9. Out of 200 million children in the school-going age group how many are attending schools?

A. One-fourth

B. Half

C. Two-thirds

D. One-fifth

10. The central government in India made a law, implementing the right to work in how many districts of India?

A. 150 districts

B. 200 districts

C. 250 districts

D. 625 districts

11. Identify the natural product from the list of items given below.

A. Textile

B. Wheat flour

C. Cotton

D. Tomato sauce

12. Which of the following examples does not fall under the unorganized sector?

A. A farmer irrigating his field

B. A daily wage laborer working for a contractor

C. A doctor in a hospital treating a patient

D. A hand-loom weaver working on a loom in her


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