Soil Quiz Question And Answer For 7th Grade students

Questions : 14 | Total Attempts: 754 | Recent Updated: 07-Sep-2020
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Soil is a three-layer of the material of about one meter thick on the Earth’s surface. Soils are complex mixtures of 45% minerals, 25% water, 25% air, 5%organic matter, and countless organisms that are the. It forms at the surface of the land. It is the “skin of the earth.” Soil is capable of supporting plants and life. Soil plays a vital role in the Earth’s ecosystem. Without soil, human life would be very difficult. So take this quiz and know more about soil.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many kinds of soil?

A. 1

B. 4

C. 7

D. 3

2. Which fertilizer produces acidity in soil?

A. Ammonium sulfate

B. Sodium nitrate

C. Calcium ammonium nitrate

D. Calcium nitrate

3. How many types of soil are found in India?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 4

D. 1

4. Soil is made up of ...

A. Gas & water

B. Minerals & soil organic matter

C. Living organisms

D. All of the above

5. The red color of soil is due to _____

A. Hematite

B. Geothite

C. Glauconite

D. Maghemite

6. What is the PH value of soil?

A. 4

B. 5.3

C. 7.2

D. 7

7. Which soil is the best siol for plants?

A. Kanhar soil

B. Loamy soil

C. Saline soil

D. Sodic soil

8. Kanhar soil is also known as _____

A. Clayey

B. Clay loam

C. Gravely

D. Sandy loam

9. Who is the father of soil science?

A. Galileo Galilei

B. Marie Curie

C. Vasily Dokuchaev

D. Albert Einstein

10. The black color of soil is due to _____

A. Geothite

B. Glauconite

C. Organic matter

D. Titaniferous magnetite

11. The honey-comb structure found in _____

A. Alluvial soil

B. Saline soil

C. Black soil

D. Laterite soil

12. Saline soil also is known as _____

A. Solonchalk

B. Sodochalk

C. Solonetz

D. None of these

13. Which genera of bacteria found maximum in soil?

A. Azotobacter

B. Pseudomonas

C. Bacillus

D. All of the above

14. White alkali soil are ....

A. Saline soil

B. Acid soil

C. Sodic soil

D. Saline Sodic soil


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