In a narrow sense, teaching aptitude means an interest in teaching work. But in a wider sense, teaching aptitude includes all those elements which are essential for good teaching that is a method of teaching, knowledge of the subject, communication skills of the teacher, professional commitment an individual quality of the teacher. Teachers, students, and subjects are the main part of teaching work. In the absence of any one of these parts, teaching work cannot be done and it would of obstruct the teaching process and teaching would not be the effective. So take this quiz and check your teaching aptitude.
1. As a member of the selection committee will you select for the post of a teacher? One who has...
A. Good knowledge of group dynamics
B. Command over the subject
C. Balanced personality
D. All of the above
2. An important aspect of teaching aptitude is...
A. The capability of the teacher to let the students realize the truth
B. The capability of the teachers to make teaching student-oriented
C. The capability of the teacher to check the creativity of a student
D. The capability of the teacher to make student vocation oriented
3. A teacher must be an expert in his subject. Besides, he/ she should also...
A. Know his students
B. Have the knowledge of the subjectives of the curriculum being taught
C. Have the knowledge of teaching methods
D. All of the above
4. The true objective of education is...
A. All-around the development of students
B. Helping students acquire knowledge
C. Preparing students for job
D. Making students able so can earn a living
5. Which of the following teacher's quality contributes most to good classroom discipline?
A. A simple way of living
B. Effective teaching
C. Good behavior and pleasant manners
D. Charming personality
6. Good teaching is a function of...
A. High academic qualifications of the teachers
B. Sincerity and devotion to the proposed profession of teaching
C. Powerful leadership
D. None of the above
7. Who has the least chance of becoming an effective teacher?
A. One who teaches moral values
B. One Who is a strict disciplinary
C. Knows his subject well
D. One who has no interest in teaching
8. Who plays an important role in the growth of a student?
A. Principal
B. Guardian
C. Teacher
D. School manager
9. The most important quality of a teacher is...
A. Patience
B. Humbleness
C. Sympathetic attitude
D. All of the above
10. Teaching is a...
A. An art
B. A process
C. A Dialoge
D. A skill
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