Quiz: What Is Your Marketing Personality?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 854 | Recent Updated: 23-Jun-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Marketing, one of the best and the most important pillars of a business enterprise. Marketing for any startup or for an established business enterprise is a really crucial element. Marketing basically means to establish your name or your product in front of the target niche or target audience. There are obviously some types of marketing personalities a person has. Of course, not every marketing person is the same, everyone is one of vague nature. Have you ever thought about which type of personality you might be having? You might be eager to know What Is Your Marketing Personality? Try out this amazing quiz and get your answers!!

Questions Excerpt

1. Which word suits your personality?

A. Generous

B. Smart

C. Intellectual

D. Adventurous

2. According to you, how important is marketing for a business?

A. The most important

B. Somewhat

C. Not at all important

D. Equally important like departments

3. Which one song generally comes into your mind while working?

A. Return to sender

B. Money for nothing

C. Humpty dance

D. Selfie

4. What is the most important thing for you?

A. Money

B. Career

C. Both equally

D. Depends on situation

5. Which is your favorite marketing movies?

A. The Joneses

B. Deadpool

C. Syrup

D. Jobs

6. Which are your favorite marketing motives?

A. Desire for financial gain

B. Fear of financial loss

C. Comfort and convenience

D. Pride of ownership

7. If Hollywood ever made a movie about you, which one it'd be?

A. Social network

B. Wall Street

C. Moneyball

D. Trainwreck

8. Which is the one marketer you would want to follow?

A. Seth Kodin

B. Gary Vaynerchuk

C. Neil Patel

D. Larry Kim

9. Which is the best marketing tool according to you?

A. Canva

B. Google trends

C. Mailchimp

D. Hub Spot

10. Which marketing decision you find the most interesting?

A. Anything data

B. Gimme Digital

C. Direct mail all the way!

D. Content

11. Pick your favorite target marketing writer?

A. Denny Hatch

B. Chuck McLeester

C. Summer Gould

D. Jeremy Zimmerman

12. Which is your favorite marketing company?

A. Deloitte Digital


C. Pwc Digital Services

D. Accenture Interactive


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