When an object is completely or partially immersed in a fluid, its weight reduction is appreciated. This virtual decrease in weight is equal to the weight of the fluid removed by the object. The property of a fluid that causes it to exert a force on the object is called uplift or buoyant force. This force acts on the center of gravity of the fluid removed by objects, which is called the center of buoyancy. The center of gravity of the fluid displaced by the floating object is called the buoyancy center. Let's take an awesome quiz about Buoyant Force Buoyancy or Upthrust.
1. What is called the point at which the vertical line going from the center of buoyancy crosses the initial line going from the center of gravity of the object?
A. Relative density
B. Meta center
C. Flotation law
D. Theory of Archamidies
2. When an object is completely or partially immersed in a fluid, its weight reduction is appreciated. Who was propounded by?
A. Sir Isaac Newton
B. Archamidies
C. Thomas Alva Edison
D. None of these
3. How or why does an object float on the liquid?
A. The buoyant force has to be greater than gravitational force
B. The buoyant force has to be greater than acceleration force
C. The buoyant force has to be greater than ment force
D. The buoyant force has to be greater than joint force
4. In the Buoyant force equation { Fb = Vs × D × g} what stands for D?
A. Submerged Volume
B. Liquid Density
C. Displacement volume
D. None of these
5. What is called 'Vs' in this { Fb = Vs × D × g} equation?
A. Submerged Volume
B. Buoyancy Force
C. Specific Heat
D. All of the above
6. The buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the ____________ of the fluid displaced.
A. Density
B. Volume
C. Weight
D. Surface tension
7. The buoyancy of a body depends on the following factors of..
A. Volume of the body submerged in the liquid
B. Volume of the liquid displaced
C. Density of the liquid
D. All of the above
8. Do you know, what is the SI unit of buoyant force?
A. N/m
B. N
C. N/me
D. J/s
9. Which is the application of buoyant force?
A. Human swimmers
B. Fish
C. Ships & Icebergs
D. All of the above
10. Which principal found by Archimedes?
A. Buoyant force
B. Volume
C. Eureka moment
D. All of the above
11. What are the nationalities of Archimedes?
A. Greek
B. France
C. Rome
12. In which field Archimedes precious contribution?
A. Mathematics
B. Physics
C. Astronomy
D. All of the above
13. What is buoyancy?
A. The force exerted by a liquid or gas
B. The force exerted by a solid object
C. The force exerted by a magnetic field
D. The force exerted by gravity
14. Which factor primarily determines the buoyant force acting on an object submerged in a fluid?
A. Volume of the object
B. Mass of the object
C. Density of the fluid
D. Weight of the object
15. When an object floats in a fluid, what can be said about its density compared to the fluid's density?
A. The object's density is equal to the fluid's density
B. The object's density is greater than the fluid's density
C. The object's density is less than the fluid's density
D. The object's density has no relation to the fluid's density
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