Quiz: Test Your Knowledge About UNICEF Organization For Every Child

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1345 | Recent Updated: 18-Feb-2021
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UNICEF is an organization that serves the food, education, and health needs of the world's children. It is about the time when the Second World War was going on, there was a lot of devastation in the world and a lot of loss of life. Due to this, many problems for children have arisen, UNICEF was created to eliminate these problems. It has a working group of 36 members who take care of its functions and give consent to carry out the programs of the ongoing schemes. In 2018, UNICEF assisted in the birth of 27 million babies, administered Pentavalent vaccines to an estimated 65.5 million children, provided education for 12 million children, treated four million children with severe acute malnutrition, and responded to 285 humanitarian emergencies in 90 countries. Let's know more about UNICEF Organization For Every Child Quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. UNICEF formed in which year on 11 December?

A. In 1946

B. In 1947

C. In 1948

D. In 1949

2. Where is headquarter of UNICEF?

A. New York City, US

B. Los Angeles, US

C. Chicago, US

D. New Jersey, US

3. Who is the current brand ambassador of UNICEF?

A. Priyanka Chopra

B. David Beckham

C. Lilly Singh

D. Shakira

4. Where is East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office of UNICEF?

A. Amman, Jordan

B. Bangkok, Thailand

C. Kathmandu, Nepal

D. None of these

5. Where is South Asia Regional Office of UNICEF?

A. Bangkok, Thailand

B. Kathmandu, Nepal

C. Panama City, Panama

D. None of these

6. Which of the following is the head of UNICEF?

A. Audrey Azoulay

B. Henrietta H. Fore

C. Charlotte Petri Gornitzka

D. George M. Whitesides

7. There are UNICEF National Committees in --------------- industrialized countries worldwide.

A. 30 industrialized

B. 36 industrialized

C. 96 industrialized

D. 66 industrialized

8. In which year UNICEF's mandate was extended to address the long-term needs of children and women?

A. In 1950

B. In 1955

C. In 1960

D. In 1966

9. When did UNICEF become a permanent part of the United Nations system?

A. In 1950

B. In 1952

C. In 1953

D. In 1955

10. When was UNICEF awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of peace?

A. In 1965

B. In 1975

C. In 1985

D. In 1995


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