There are various types of creatures on this planet which include creatures who live on earth, fly in the sky, and underwater. Every creature has its kind of body structure and characteristics which make them different from others. Fishes are also so much different from other creatures and have different features. Let's see how much you know about Fish. Take this small quiz and see how much you know about Fishes
1. Which of these is a feature of fishes?
A. Cold-blooded
B. Warm-blooded
C. Red-blooded
D. None of the above
2. How many species of fish are known till now?
A. 21000
B. 22000
C. 23000
D. 24000
3. What part fish use for balance?
A. Gills
B. Fins
C. Gonads
D. None of the above
4. How many types of scales does fish have?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
5. To which kingdom do fishes belong?
A. Chromista
B. Animalia
C. Archezoa
D. Protoctista
6. To which phylum do they belong?
A. Annelid
B. Sponge
C. Arthropod
D. Chordata
7. Sharks and rays belongs to which class?
A. Elasmobranchii
B. Actinopterygii
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
8. Sea horses belong to which class?
A. Elasmobranchii
B. Actinopterygii
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
9. The chimeras belong to which class?
A. Elasmobranchii
B. Actinopterygii
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
10. The lungfishes belong to which class?
A. Elasmobranchii
B. Actinopterygii
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
11. The lampreys belong to which class?
A. Cephalaspidomorphi
B. Myxini
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
12. The hagfish belongs to which class?
A. Cephalaspidomorphi
B. Myxini
C. Holocephali
D. Sarcopterygii
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