Quiz: How Much You Know About Mars Terrestrial Planet?

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 763 | Recent Updated: 13-Jun-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Mars is also called "Red Planet" due to the presence of "ferric oxide". The position of Mars in our solar system is fourth from the Sun. This planet is the second smallest planet in the entire solar system. The atmosphere of Mars is so weak that radioactive rays are bombarded by Mars from space. Oxygen on Mars is also very low, the rest being carbon dioxide gas. The highest mountain of our solar system is located on Mars. In Indian Jyotish, Mars is considered as "God of War" & this is a loner. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio. The color of this deity is red. Mars represents physical energy, anger, emotion, strength, ego, confidence, boldness. It rules the blood, muscles, bone marrow. Manglik Dosha is formed due to Manglik Dosha. This causes delays in marriage and many types of interruptions. Now take this Quiz About Mars Terrestrial Planet.

Questions Excerpt

1. The gravity of Mars is how much of Earth's gravity.

A. 1/4

B. 1/3

C. 1/2

D. 1/1

2. At what degree is the axial tilt of Mars?

A. 25.19 degrees

B. 23.19 degrees

C. 23.50 degrees

D. 65.19 degrees

3. Mars is called _____________ in the Greek country.

A. Greek Mars

B. Ares

C. Scorpio

D. None of above

4. How many days are there on Mars in a year?

A. 667 days

B. 697 days

C. 687 days

D. 665 days

5. How many mars mission has been done so far to search for life on Mars?

A. 1 mars mission

B. 7 mars mission

C. 8 mars mission

D. 0 mars mission

6. Which country get success in the first attempt of launching the Mars mission?

A. United State

B. Japan

C. India

D. China

7. When was India launch The Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan)?

A. 15 November 2019

B. 05 November 2013

C. 22 November 2019

D. 25 November 2013

8. When did "Odyssey" break the record for the longest living spacecraft on Mars?

A. On 25 Des 2010

B. On 15 Des 2010

C. On 15 Des 2011

D. On 15 Des 2018

9. How many hours, minutes and seconds is equal to one day on Mars?

A. 24 hours 49 min and 45 sec

B. 23 hours 39 min and 35 sec

C. 24 hours 39 min and 35 sec

D. 24 hours 59 min and 55 sec

10. Mars has two moons, which are as follows.

A. Phobos

B. Diemos

C. Both of above

D. None of above

11. "___________", the highest mountain in the Solar System, is also located on Mars. This mountain is 24 kilometers high.

A. Diemos

B. Olympus Mons

C. Phobos

D. All of above

12. What is the name of huge valley on Mars?

A. Wallace marineris

B. Diemos

C. Olympus Mons

D. Phobos


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