Barack Obama is one of the ex-presidents of the United States Of America. He was considered to be one of the intelligent minds who helped the United States of America to grow to a new height and achieve great success. He was loved by all the people not only in the US but also all around the world people believed him to be perfect and the coolest president. It is believed that the US president is the most powerful president all over the world, and Barack Obama proved out to be a complete blend of mind, power, cool and calm nature who made his image so good. Let us now have a look at this interesting quiz on Barack Obama and let us check out how much you actually know about the coolest president!
1. What is the birthdate of Barack Obama?
A. 2 March
B. 6 February
C. 4 August
D. 10 May
2. What is the height of Barack Obama?
A. 1.85 meters
B. 1.67 meters
C. 1.79 meters
D. 1.90 meters
3. What is the name of Barack Obama's party?
A. Union Party
B. Republican Party
C. Democratic Party
D. The American Party
4. What number of president was Barack Obama?
A. 34
B. 45
C. 56
D. 44
5. When did Barack Obama started his tenure as a president?
A. 2008
B. 2009
C. 2010
D. 2011
6. How many children does Barack Obama have?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
7. What is the name of Barack Obama's wife?
A. Michelle Obama
B. Sarah Obama
C. Carlie Obama
D. Eminie Obama
8. Where did Barack Obama get Education from?
A. Hogwarts School
B. Harrvard Law School
C. American School
D. Unique Personified School
9. Which terrorist was killed under the presidency rule of Barack Obama?
A. Al-Qaida
B. Jaish
C. Osama
D. Yusuf
10. What was the motto of Barack Obama's party?
A. Learn from pasts
B. Better and brighter future
C. Live up and be courageous
D. Knowledge is the strength
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