Disaster Management Quiz Questions and Answers

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2964 | Recent Updated: 29-Mar-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The first phase of disaster management is the identification of hazards. This state involves knowing the nature and knowing the extent of danger related to the characteristics of a particular location. It also contains information on the nature of specific physical hazards derived from risk assessment. In addition, information and data related to the impact area of ??the growing population and the environment associated with such hazards are also part of disaster management. In this, such decisions can be taken as to how to construct sustainable projects and where it would be appropriate to invest.

Questions Excerpt

1. The Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority is....

A. Human Resource Development

B. Prime Minister

C. Home Minister

D. Vice President

2. The term "Cyclone" is derived from....

A. Latin Word

B. French Word

C. Greek Word

D. Chinese Word

3. In which month in India, floods are likely to occur?

A. April-June

B. May-October

C. June-September

D. June-December

4. How much percentage of Indian land is prone to earthquakes?

A. 52%

B. 60%

C. 59%

D. 62%

5. Powerful tsunami is produced by......

A. Earthquake

B. Volcanic eruptions

C. Cyclone

D. Tornadoes

6. Landslides occur due to.....

A. Intensity of rainfall

B. Steep slopes

C. Deforestation leading it soil erosion

D. All the above

7. As the magnitude of natural disaster increases their frequency of occurrence.......

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains same

D. None of the above

8. In India, the Disaster Management Act was made in.....

A. 2004

B. 2005

C. 2007

D. 2008

9. Tsunamis are waves generated by .....

A. Underwater landslides

B. Earthquakes

C. Volcanic eruptions

D. All the above

10. The term disaster is derived from which of the following language?

A. Latin

B. Greek

C. French

D. Arabic


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