GTCI is like an annual benchmarking report, measuring the abilities of countries competing for talent, their ability to grow as well as retain their talent. The report notes the widening gap between high income, talent-rich nations, and the rest of the world. Moreover, more than half of the population in the developing world lack basic digital skills. GTCI report is launched by INSESD, which in turn is a partner and sponsor of SDGs, Davis, Switzerland. Moreover, IMSEAD is one of the leading largest graduate business schools located all over the world and alliances with the top institutions. The six metrics used to decide a country’s rank are: enable, attract, grow, retain, vocational skills, and global knowledge skills.
1. India’s ranking in GTCI is ...
A. 44
B. 75
C. 72
D. 89
2. GTCI report was first published in the year ...
A. 1999
B. 2001
C. 2011
D. 2013
3. 2020 Theme for GTCI was ...
A. Global Talent in the age of Artificial Intelligence
B. Global Talent in the age of Digitalization
C. Global Talent in the age of Modernization
D. None of these
4. How many nations were included in this index report?
A. 122
B. 132
C. 131
D. 124
5. Which nation topped the GTCI ranking list?
A. Denmark
B. Singapore
C. Switzerland
D. Sweden
6. INSEAD was established in the year ...
A. 1957
B. 1986
C. 1955
D. 1965
7. Chairman of INSEAD is ...
A. Lily Allen
B. Andrews Sullen
C. Jacob Bernard
D. Andreas Jacob
8. Full-Form of WEF ...
A. World Economic Fund
B. World Economic Forum
C. World Economic Federation
D. World Economical Franchise
9. GTCI 2020 report was released on ...
A. 24 January
B. 22 February
C. 24 February
D. 22 January
10. India’s biggest challenge, according to GTCI is ...
A. Attract Talent
B. Improve trade
C. Improve Economy
D. None of these
11. GTCI is an ...
A. Output Based ranking system
B. Input based ranking system.
C. Input Output based ranking system
D. None of these
12. Which among the following is not under top 10 ranking of GTCI ...
A. Denmark
B. Netherland
C. Norway
D. Russia
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