Plants form organic matter from water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight and release oxygen, a process known as photosynthesis. The energy required to carry out chemical reactions in plants is obtained from sunlight. This energy is stored by sunlight by a green component called chlorophyll found in the leaves of plants. However, this energy can also damage plant leaves but plants protect themselves from heat damage by sunlight. Let's learn more about Photosynthesis Quiz.
1. In bacteria, name the color of light which is responsible for photosynthesis?
A. Ultra-Violet
B. Blue
C. Red
D. None of the above
2. For photosynthesis, green plants require....
A. Chlorophyll only
B. Light
C. Carbon dioxide and water
D. All of the above
3. Rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon...
A. Quality of light
B. Intensity of Light
C. Duration of Light
D. Temperature
4. Photosynthesis is a _____ process.
A. Catabolic
B. Anabolic
C. Exothermic
D. Metabolic
5. In photosynthesis, the dark reaction is called so because .....
A. It occurs in dark
B. It does not require light energy
C. It cannot occur during daytime
D. It occurs more rapidly at night
6. Name the pigment which is responsible for absorption of light in plants.
A. Chlorophyll
B. Stomata
C. Xylem
D. Phloem
7. Photosystems are arrangements of chlorophyll and other pigments packed into thylakoids of .....
A. Many Prokaryotes
B. Photosystem
C. Both of them
D. None of them
8. Name the structural unit of photosynthesis.
A. Thylakoid
B. Grana
C. Stroma
D. Chlorophyll
9. Quantasomes are found in ....
A. Cristae of mitochondria
B. Thylakoid membrane of chloroplast
C. Nucleus membrane
D. Lysosome
10. Name the metal present in chlorophyll.
A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Magnesium
D. Manganese
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