Every person suffers from some kind of fear in life that they are not ready to accept in front of their knowns. There exist vague fears in a person and it is not necessary that they must have just one fear, rather onerous fears. But different people have different fears based on their personalities and their nature. Have you ever thought of countering or knowing your fears to the best so that you might be able to overcome them as well? Well, we are there to help you with this, and now you will be able to know about yourself in this quiz: What Am I Afraid Of?
1. What is your personality?
A. Anxious
B. Generous
C. Shy
D. Quirky
2. How often do you travel?
A. Often
B. Somewhat
C. Rarely
D. Very Often
3. What is your favorite color?
A. Blue
B. White
C. Purple
D. Red
4. What will you do if you see a spider above your bed in the middle of the night?
A. Cry
B. Will not move
C. Searching on internet how to make it go away
D. Nothing
5. How often do you party?
A. Very often
B. Often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
6. How socially awkward are you on a scale of 10?
A. 6
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10
7. How likely do you play pranks with people?
A. Rarely
B. Somewhat
C. Often
D. Very often
8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Extrovert
B. Introvert
C. Introverted Extrovert
D. Extroverted Introvert
9. How many friends do you have?
A. None
B. 1-2
C. 3-4
D. A gang of friends
10. How often do you share your secrets?
A. Often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Very often
11. How often do you like to go out during bad weather?
A. Somewhat
B. Often
C. Very Often
D. Rarely
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