Several people have different kinds of talents that make them either different from each other or similar to each other. Your talents do define a lot about you, your choices as well as your personality. We ourselves judge several people on the basis of their talents. Has this thought ever crossed your mind about what if your talent defines your personality or which talent might be the best fit for you? Try out this very interesting and fun quiz that will guide you through the question of what are my talents?
1. How often you are good at focusing?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Rarely
D. Somewhat
2. What describes your closet?
A. All black
B. Kinda empty
C. Prefectly filled
D. Overflowing
3. What is your first reaction when you hear gossip?
A. Startled
B. Not interested
C. I will change the subject
D. Depends upon the gossip
4. Are you more detail-oriented or better at taking a broader view?
A. Detail oriented
B. Broader view
C. Somewhere in the middle
D. Depends on the situation
5. Are you a good multitasker?
A. Somewhat agree
B. Somewhat disagree
C. Agree
D. Disagree
6. How often do you keep a to-do-list?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
7. How do you feel if you have nothing to do on weekend?
A. Kinda bore
B. Happy
C. Relaxed but not very happy
D. Stressed
8. How often do you like to organize big parties?
A. Very Often
B. Often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
9. How do you feel when everything goes wrong in your life?
A. Stay calm
B. Stressed
C. Cry a lot
D. Ignore all of it
10. How often are you dedicated to any project?
A. Often
B. Rarely
C. Somewhat
D. Very often
11. Which type of project would you rather volunteer for?
A. Organizing a big event
B. Wiring a long paper
C. Doing some charity
D. Managing a large team
12. You like to work alone or in a group?
A. Alone
B. With group
C. With animals
D. I am comfortable with anyone
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