There are tons of breeds in this world. So as Pure-breeds, mixed-breeds, or mutts, and the best part are they all seem to have a certain personality. A mutt is a dog that does not belong to one officially recognized breed. It is a mixed breed of dog. Take this test and discover what breed is your mud. The few simple questions in this quiz are designed to give you some starting ideas about your concern.
1. What is the mutt’s age?
A. 04 years old
B. 02 years old
C. 06 years old
D. More than 6 years
2. Your mutt is:
A. Male
B. Female
C. Not identified
D. You don't know
3. What’s your mutt’s fur color?
A. Black
B. Yellow
C. White
D. Brown
4. How long is your mutt’s fur?
A. Medium
B. Long
C. Short
D. Don’t understand
5. Tell us more about your mutt’s fur:
A. Its thick and dark
B. Very curly
C. Long and silky
D. None of the above
6. What does your mutt’s head and face look like?
A. Head and face is wrinkly
B. Forehead is usually smooth but wrinkles appear when he/she in a alert mode
C. Head is almost rectangular
D. Blue eyes and cone-face shape
7. What does his/her skin look like?
A. The skin on their body lies in folds, like big wrinkles
B. sagging skin on the front of their neck
C. The skin on their legs and feet pools into folds
D. None of the above
8. Describe his/her feet:
A. Webbed feet
B. Legs are disproportionately short
C. Back legs are a lot longer than their front legs
D. Back legs are almost straight
9. How does his/her tail look?
A. Bushy
B. Curling forward over the back
C. Short tail
D. Has no tail
10. What type of ear your mutt has?
A. Floppy ears
B. Small and erect ears
C. Pointed and erect ears
D. Curvy and twisted ears
11. What type of space do you provide your mutt?
A. Small house
B. Apartment
C. Big lawn
D. Large house
12. How active you are?
A. Normal type
B. Spend too much time in walking
C. Too lazy
D. Super active
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