Do you love dogs? Yes, well who does not? Dogs are undeniably one of the most loved animals both as a pet and as an animal. It is believed by millions of people that dogs bring out the positivity in anyone's life, also bringing happiness and removing sadness. But anyways we know that there are several types of dogs? Have you ever thought if you might be a dog, what type of dog you might be? What characteristics you might be possessing in you like a dog? For all the dog lovers, we bring you a very interesting quiz where you can know What Kind Of Dog Are You?
1. What is your personality?
A. Smart
B. Generous
C. Bold
D. Quirky
2. How often do you take the stress?
A. Often
B. Very often
C. Somewhat
D. Rarely
3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Introverted Extrovert
D. Extroverted Introvert
4. What are your plans on a Friday night?
A. Party Time
B. Sleeping
C. A cupid date
D. Binge watching Netflix
5. What is your favorite color?
A. White
B. Black
C. Brown
D. Grey
6. Choose your body type?
A. Sporty
B. Naturally thin
C. Lanky
D. Muscular
7. Choose the name of your memoir?
A. Eat and love
B. Just Friends
C. Growing without roots
D. How I learnt to love my mess?
8. What is your go-to dance move?
A. Booty Dropping
B. The Wiggle
C. The Hippie
D. Judging in the corner
9. Choose your way of curing a hangover?
A. Fries
B. Burger
C. Pizza
D. Coffee
10. What type of exercise do you prefer?
A. Yoga
B. Sprints
C. Sex
D. I'm a gym rat
11. Who is your favorite author?
A. JK Rowling
B. Ruskin Bond
C. Nicholas Sparks
D. Toni Marrison
12. Choose your favorite pop-star?
A. Taylor Swift
B. Justin Bieber
C. Beyonce
D. Britney Spears
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